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Thank You for visiting us!

We are Rainbow Preschool, based in the Methodist Hall in

Spring Lane, Colden Common. We care for each and every child as if

they were our own, and have done since 1989.

In fact, many of our own children have been through Rainbows themselves


Rainbows is open from 8.30am until 3pm (flexible start / finish times)

Monday to Friday term time and we welcome children from 2 years old.  

We charge £5.50 per hour and offer the Government’s:

        * free early years funding for eligible children

        * 15 free hours for ALL 3 and 4 year olds

        * 30 free hours for eligible 3 and 4 year olds

Ofsted have rated us as OUTSTANDING in ALL areas for a second consecutive time:


 * Read our latest Ofsted report

"The members of the established pre-school team work seamlessly together to provide an outstanding learning environment for children".

"Children are extremely happy and safe in the pre-school."

"The well-qualified and experienced practitioners are always thinking ahead and ensuring they are constantly moving forward and developing their own practice to improve outcomes for children. The passionate manager has highly effective systems in place to support and mentor all practitioners and students."

"Practitioners ooze confidence in their teaching abilities and provide high-level interactions which capture children's interest with ease."


Come and have a free session with us at one of our ‘stay and play sessions!

You can come to as many as you like.

Everybody with a child approaching preschool age is welcome.

You get a coffee and a chance to see how your little one settles, and your child gets to explore and experience the adventures we have on offer at Rainbows.  

Snack provided. Younger siblings welcome.

Places fill up fast, so please book your place now.

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